Unite Canberra Care

Email: info@unitecanberracare.com.au/rk@unitecanberracare.com.au

disability support service, aged-care, NDIS



Our Services

We give you full support

Community Access

Accessing the right support is about being empowered through choice. We work alongside people living with disability to achieve their goals.

Domestic Assistance

Whether you just need a little help getting your day started or more ongoing assistance, we’ll help you stay comfortable and safe in your own home.

Respite Care

We will take care of the person you care for, so that you can have a break. A break can give you time to do everyday activities or just to relax, deal with stress and look after yourself.

Supported Independent Living(SIL) & Supported Disability Accommodation (SDA)

We help people with disability resulting in high care needs to live an independent and fulfilling life through matching individualised supports and purpose-built accommodation. Two funding streams of the NDIS (SIL & SDA) address this for eligible participants by providing bespoke environments and support teams based on that person’s lifestyle, support needs, schedule and preferences. With the help of Unite Canberra Care and the NDIS, you’ll be able to have control of your own supports and live your life the way you choose.

Support co-ordination & Accomodation

We can help you to find the right service providers for your needs, and coordinate all of your supports, including mainstream, informal, community and funded supports.

Transport/ Travel Training

We will help you and your loved ones who wants to travel outside the home. We will help them to know how to get around and what you need to think about when travelling can help to make things easier.

Social Participation

We provide assistance with Social and Community Participation to meet goals relating participating in community, social or recreational activities.

Capacity Building Support

We provide Capacity Building Support to help you to maintain you independence and build your skills to reach your long-term goals.


Joined us through NDIS

Successful 10 years

Join us to get the benefits of NDIS services

We as an NDIS service provider offer a number of the support categories available under NDIS. These are:

1. Helping with daily life with person centered approach

Having support with everyday tasks such as getting ready for the day or cleaning the house allows you to live independently at home with assistance from our caring and experienced staff.

If you have ‘Core Supports’ in your NDIS funding, you are able to access supports for daily activities and household tasks using your NDIS plan.

Our Support Services Includes:

1. Daily personal activities

We aid with a range of everyday activities in the comfort of your home, supporting you to learn the skills needed to be as independent as possible. We are also able to provide these supports to people with complex needs. Personal activities can include:

  • Showering or bathing
  • Dressing
  • Grooming
  • Personal hygiene
  • Going to the toilet
  • Getting in and out of bed
  • Help with eating
  • Moving around the house

2. Assistance with daily life tasks in a group or shared living arrangement

If you live in house with other people, we can also help you with everyday tasks, supporting you to develop the skills you need to live as independently as possible. We can also provide respite care, day or night, to allow your carer to take a break, study, work, or go to appointments.

3. Household tasks

Having a clean, well maintained home is essential for your health and wellbeing. If you have trouble with household tasks, we can support you with:

  • Cleaning
  • Laundry
  • Dishwashing
  • Spring cleaning
  • House maintenance, such as window cleaning
  • Preparing meals for you to cook

2. Transportation

Getting to and from school, work, appointments or travelling around your community can be difficult if you’re not able to drive or use public transport because of your disability. We have experienced staff with insured vehicle to help you go around when and where you want. This gives you freedom to live completely without restrictions.

Our Support Services Includes:

1. Assistance with travel/transport arrangements

We provide you with safe, convenient transport, scheduled in advance to help you get to:

  • School or another educational facility
  • Work
  • Your doctor or other medical appointments
  • Your local shopping centre
  • Around your community

An Unite Canberra Care, staff member will drive you to your appointment or another place in the community and take you back home when you’re done. Our transport services are booked on an ongoing basis, such as a weekly trip to the shops or regular medical appointments

3. Social & Community Participation

Community inclusion is important to live the best of your life. Be social, and participate in recreational activities with our range of social and community supports designed to help you enjoy your hobbies, see your family and friends, and have some fun in life.

Our Support Services Includes:

1. Participation in community, social and civic activities

Join in community, social and civic activities in your area with support from our friendly carers who will be with you every step of the way, helping you participate, and strengthening your ability to participate independently. Together we’ll find activities that you can join and help you get the most of it.

  • Discover your local communities’ recreational activities and clubs
  • Develop and enhance your recreational skills and abilities
  • Try new things you may not otherwise be able to access
  • Make new friends and establish new peer support networks   

4. Support Coordination

Be in charge of your life with choice and control in your hands makes life beautiful. This is made easier with services and training designed to strengthen your ability to find and manage services, resolve issues, and make changes to achieve your goals. Our expertise is there for you when you need. You can access this support under your ‘coordination of supports’ in your NDIS plan.

Our Support Services Includes:

1. Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports

We can provide short term or ongoing support to strengthen your ability to coordinate your supports, manage your life independently, and participate in your community. You can access help with:

  • Connecting you with service providers suitable for your needs
  • Coordinating your supports and managing your NDIS plan
  • Planning for changes around work, study, or other aspects of your life


5. Improved Daily Living

You get support to improve or get the skills needed to live as independently as possible at home, and participate more in your community.

Our Support Services Includes:

1. Individual assessment and therapy

If you need equipment or assistive technology to live more independently or for accessing the community, our health professionals can assess and provide support in finding the best equipment suited to your needs and disability.

2. Community nursing care for high needs

If you need specialist nursing care relating to your disability, our registered nurses will come to your home to provide training to you, your career, or our care staff to ensure that you have the skills and support you need to live independently at home.

We also aid with managing continence concerns through assessment and recommendation from one of our skilled registered nurses.

If you require nursing that is not related to your disability, please contact us to discuss options that may be available to you.

3. Development of daily living and life skills

If you would like assistance to develop the skills needed to get ready for the day, manage your life, and travel independently, we can assist you to learn how to manage:

  • Showering, dressing, and other personal care tasks
  • Household tasks including cleaning and cooking
  • Life skills including budgeting and meal planning
  • Travel and transport, including using public transport

4. Therapeutic supports

We provide therapeutic supports to help you apply or strengthen the skills you need to live independently, including:

  • Language and communication
  • Mobility and movement
  • Interacting with other people
  • Community living

6. Improved Health & Wellbeing

Being healthy is the core of happy and good life. And to maintain a healthy diet and exercise plan allows us to live life to its fullest. Sometimes it can be difficult to know where to start or ensure that our meals are meeting all our needs.

You can access this services from our experienced staff under your ‘improved health & wellbeing’ in your NDIS plan.

Our Support Services Includes:

1. Exercise physiology and physical wellbeing activities

We get specialist dietitians and exercise physiologists work with you to increase your physical wellbeing through:

  • Meal plans that consider your specific needs, as well as your likes or dislikes
  • Exercise plans tailored to your routine, with a focus on developing strength and mobility

An allied health professionals can work individually with you, or in a group, and provide you with the tools you need to improve your health and wellbeing